Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn (L) meets China’s President Xi Jinping forward of a arriving Belt and Road Forum during a Great Hall of a People in Beijing on May…
ማእኸላይ ኮሚቴ ህወሓት ንናይ ብዕምቆት ናይ ምህዳስ መደብና መበገሲ ዝኾኑና ናይ ውሽጢ ውድብናን ስርዓትናን ሓደጋታት ዝኾኑ ኣተሓሳስባን ተግባርን ኣካብነት ክራይ ብፅንዓት እናተቓለስና ዝሓዝናዮም ናይ ልምዓትን ሰናይ ምምሕዳርን መደባትና ኣብ ምዕዋት…
Despite drought and falling commodity prices, Ethiopia has been the fastest growing country in the world. BY LE POINT AFRIQUE Published on 29/09/2017 with 18:18 – Modified 01/10/2017 with 13:31|…