Ethiopians and Eritreans have been celebrating the reopening of two key crossing points more than 20 years after a border war shut them. Hundreds of people from the two countries…
How an Ethiopian Army Taught Invading Italians a Lesson Why You Should Care Because the Battle of Adwa proved that the colonizer doesn’t always win. As battle waged around them,…
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) – An Ethiopian ship docked in an Eritrean port for the first time in two decades on Wednesday and Eritrea announced plans to upgrade a road to…
በኢህኣዴግ ኣባል ድርጅቶች ውስጣዊ ክፍፍል መፈጠሩን ግልፅ ከሆነ ቆየ። ሃ/መሪያም ደሳለኝ እንዳሉት የቀድሞው ጠ/ሚንስትር ኣቶ መለስ ዜናዊ መሰዋት ተከትሎ ብኣዴን እና ኦህዴድ የስልጣን ሽሚያ ውስጥ ገብተው ቆይተዋል። ሃሳባቸው ይሳካ ዘንድም…
ADDIS ABABA/BEIJING (Reuters) – Ethiopia has been lauded by experts from China’s ruling Communist Party as a “model country” in Beijing’s $126 billion Belt and Road initiative to build rail,…