CAIRO (Reuters) – Egypt said on Sunday it would hold talks with Ethiopia in the next two weeks to iron out differences over an Ethiopian dam on the River Nile…
ከትግራይ ብሄራዊ ክልላዊ መንግስት የተሰጠ መግለጫ ====================================== ዜጎች በሃገራቸው ውስጥ በነፃነት የመንቀሳቀስ እንዲሁም በመረጡት ኣከባቢ የመኖር እና ሃብት የማፍራት ህገ-መንግስታዊ መብታቸው መሆኑ ከተረጋገጠ ቆይቷል፡፡ የፌደራልና የክልል መንግስትም ይህ ህገ-መንግስታዊ የዜጎች…
Addis Ababa advances in its space science programme. Ethiopia is set to launch its first earth observatory satellite in September 2019, joining a list of few African countries that have…