መንእሰይ ሃፍታይ ገብረን መንእሰይ ኣብርሃለ ፍትዊን ንቪኦኤ ኣብዝሃብዎ ቃለ-ምልልስ ብዕለት 27 ጥሪ 2008 ዓ/ም ሰዓት 12 ንግሆ ወታደራዊ ክዳን ዝተኸድኑን መብዛሕቲኦም ኣምሓርኛ ዝዛረቡን ዕጡቓት ቶኽሲ ከፊቶም ብበትሪ እናወቕዑ ን32 ሰባት…
Ethiopia’s fast growing agro-processing industry is facing a major packaging shortage, a government official said on Monday. Mebratu Meles, state minister of industry of Ethiopia, said while the government has…
With the worst drought in 50 years, some 18 million people dependent on emergency food supplies, and aid agencies warning the money and the aid will run out in two…
Ethiopia is home to a growing skate scene. But while crews are skating Addis Ababa, its capital, it’s still without a public skatepark. That’s set to change next month, though,…
አቶ በከር ሻሌ የኦሕዴድ ጽሕፈት ቤት ኃላፊ ሆኑ የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ድርጅት (ኦሕዴድ) ፖሊት ቢሮ፣ ከወራት ወዲህ በኦሮሚያ ክልል ከተከሰተው የፀጥታ መደፍረስ ጋር በተያያዘ ሁለት የድርጅቱ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች ከሥልጣናቸው እንዲነሱ…
A lone dancer weaves arabesque shapes with the red tip of his cigarette to the rhythm of loud Amharic music in a dark closeted bar in Ethiopia’s capital – oblivious…