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Miruts Yifter dies at 72

Addis Ababa, December 23, 2016 (FBC) –Miruts Yifter, one of the famous Ethiopian distance runners, has passed away at the age of 72 today, according to the Ethiopian Athletics Federation (EAF).

Miruts, also known as “the Shifter,” won an historic 5,000 and 10,000m double at the 1980 Moscow Olympics.

Born in the Tigray Regional State, northern part of Ethiopia, Miruts was called to the Ethiopian national team for the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City, but he made his Olympic debut four years later in Munich Olympics where he won a bronze medal in 10,000m.

In the 1973 All-Africa Games he won one gold medal (10,000 m) and one silver (5000 m). At the 1st African Championships in 1979, he won two gold medals (5000 and 10,000 metres).

At Coamo, Puerto Rico on 6 February 1977, Miruts ran a World Best for the half-marathon of 1:02:57.

He battled a lung disease and was treated at a hospital in Toronto, Canada for months before his death.

Fana Broadcasting Corporate would like to express its sincere condolences on the death of the legendry athlete and wishes his families consolation.