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Inquiry Board says 11, 607 people arrested under emergency law

Addis Ababa, November 11, 2016 (FBC) – The State of Emergency Inquiry Board said 11, 607 people had been detained following the violence occurred in various parts of the country.

About 347 of the detainees were females.

The Board today released names of the detainees and the reasons for their arrest.

They were detained at Awash, Tolay, Ziway, Dilla, Yirgalem, Bahir Dar and Addis Ababa centers.

According to the Inquiry Board, the suspects were arrested for creating and inciting violence, spreading terror and creating instability, burning private and public service institutions and destroying investments.

Besides, they were detained for ransacking and burning government and private properties, obstructing provision of social services, blocking roads as well as attacking and killing security forces with hand grenades and weapons.

Moreover, the suspects were arrested for ripping and burning the national flag, waving flags of terror organizations, circulating messages of terrorist organizations, engaging in illegal trade and movement of weapons, giving shelter for and cooperating with criminals as well as being ringleaders in the violence.

Ethiopia declared a six-month nationwide state of emergency early October following the unrest occurred in some areas.

The state of emergency was declared following a thorough discussion by the Council of Ministers on the loss of lives and property damages occurring in the country.

This week, the country lifted the directive which restricts diplomats from travelling beyond a-40 kilometers radius out of Addis Ababa without the permission of the command post.