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EDP says acts to destroy constitutional order unacceptable

Addis Ababa, August 13, 2016 (FBC) – The opposition Ethiopian Democratic Party (EDP) has said activities to destroy a constitutional order illegally are unacceptable.

The government, the public, the mass media as well as political forces should seek solution to abate the conflict that has occurred in some parts of the country, it added.

At a press conference it held here today, the party said the activities to destroy a constitutional order through havoc have dangerous consequences.

EDP President Dr. Chanie Kebede stated that hosting a flag that does not represent the nations, nationalities and peoples of the country by defying the constitution is not appropriate.

However, the president said, the growing lack of good governance, organization of the federal system that focuses on differences rather than unity are the causes of the conflict.

According to him, the inexistence of discussion forums and neutral mass media have also contributed to the problem.

Dr. Chanie pointed out that the government, the public, the mass media and political forces should seek solution to alleviate the present conflict.

He also called on the private media, publications and social media as well as bloggers to refrain from agitations that endanger the country and meet their responsibilities.

The president further urged religious leaders, scholars and members of the Diaspora to contribute their share to the prevalence of tolerance, unity, peace and stability.